Who We Are
Founded in 1986 by Barbara and Frank Sinatra, the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center, located on the internationally acclaimed Eisenhower Medical Center campus in Rancho Mirage, California, is dedicated to ensuring every child’s right to a normal, healthy and secure childhood.

The Children’s Center provides individual, group and family therapy along with special programs that address issues associated with children suffering the affects of child abuse and neglect, and who are at risk to be abused.
With worldwide name recognition, the out-patient, state-of-the-art Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center stands as a symbol of Barbara and Frank Sinatra’s unwavering commitment to children in peril.
Over 80% of children counseled are from families below the national poverty line for a family of four. The Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center, a federally registered 501.c.3 nonprofit organization, is appropriately aggressive in fundraising the budget balance, for which a small percentage is derived from third party payer sources (self-pay, private insurance and government reimbursement).
The cost of counseling a child individually is approximately $5,000 per year.
The Children’s Center shares its extensive knowledge about child abuse prevention, protection, education and counseling through publications, lectures and its website. Referrals for counseling come from a variety of sources, including, but not limited to the Office of the District Attorney of Riverside County, California, all area school districts, Child Protective Services, California Victims of Crime Program, law enforcement, self-referrals, barbarasinatrachildrenscenter.org, Yellow Pages, physicians, social workers, relatives, the Betty Ford Center and other agencies whose mission is directed at the care of children in need.
As the demand for services increases due to economic and social challenges and population growth, so does the need for services for victims of child abuse. The Children’s Center provides psychological assistance for children up to 18 years of age.
An estimated 700 youngsters are counseled annually on an outpatient basis.
The management, staff, volunteers and board of directors of the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center work relentlessly to ensure the on-going quality of therapy services and that every child who comes for help receives the finest, most effective counseling.
No child is ever turned away because of a family’s inability to pay.