Volunteers are always welcome and are greatly appreciated. Most often volunteers assist in the play area and help to provide a safe, calming and comfortable environment. They make sure the children don’t wander, are fairly quiet and do not run, eat or drink anywhere in the Children’s Center unless supervised by a clinician. Volunteers represent the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center, and represent caring, concerned adults.
Volunteer opportunities include:
Play Area
- Read books
- Encourage children to draw
- Play board games with the children
- Help keep area neat
- “Cook” a meal in the play kitchen
- Work Puzzles
- Build “castles” with foam blocks
- Color in books and on the easel
- Assist admin staff in filing, copying, assembling information packets and other light clerical tasks
- Help assemble, label and stamp event invitations
Volunteer Training may include, but is not limited to:
- Attend four-hour Eisenhower Medical Center Volunteer Orientation
- Join EMC Auxiliary
- TB test at EMC (no charge)
- Uniform and Volunteer identification badge should be worn at all times
- BSCC tour and orientation
- Physical Assessment
- Shadowing an experienced volunteer

We are grateful for your interest! Please do not hesitate to call the BSCC Volunteer Coordinator if you have questions or would like more information (760) 340-2336.