Barbara Sinatra Center for Abused Children Statistics*
- 650 children counseled per year
- 5,800 counseling sessions per year
- 110 children per month are age 3 through 12
- 50 children per month are age 13 through 18
- 10 forensic exams per month are performed on children suspected of having been sexually or physically abused
- 40 law enforcement ordered forensic interviews per month conducted with children suspected of being sexually or physically abused.
- 47 psychiatric evaluations and follow ups per month
- 30 new intakes per month
- 27 cases closed per month
*Averages per year/month

National Statistics**
- It is estimated there are 60 million survivors of childhood sexual abuse in America today
- Approximately 31% of women in prison state that they were abused as children
- Approximately 95% of teen prostitutes were sexually abused as a child
- Children with disabilities are 4 to 10 times more vulnerable to sexual abuse than their non-disabled peers
- One of every seven victims of sexual assault is under the age of seven.
- 40% of offenders who victimize children under the age of six are juveniles
- 15 victims per 1,000 were from birth through age three
- 60% of convicted sex offenders are on parole or probation
- Half of the women raped in the United States in 1992 were younger than age 18
- One in four females and one in six males are sexually abused by age 18
- 80-90% of offenders are family members or close family friends
- Child abuse kills more children than choking on food, home fires or falls
** Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention